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Long term conditions and mood

For many people, living with a long term or chronic illness doesn’t just mean that they have physical symptoms to deal with. There can also be a significant psychological impact to living with a chronic condition, particularly when there is pain involved.

Psychological support for chronic illnesses

Minddistrict offers a set of online self-help modules aimed at clients with particular long term conditions, to help them to improve their mood and wellbeing whilst living with their illness.

These interventions can be used by healthcare providers in different care pathways – pure self-help, where the client progresses through the module on their own and at their own pace; guided self-help, where the healthcare professional can provide feedback to the client at certain points; or for blended care, where the client can work on the module alongside separate sessions with a therapist.

What are the modules based on?

The modules are based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for mood improvement, and include a range of multimedia – text, audio clips, video content and illustrations. The modules help clients to accept their condition and provide them with the skills and practical knowledge to deal with their mood issues. Our module specifically for clients with type 2 diabetes also helps them to make positive lifestyle changes relating to their diet and exercise habits.

Flexible modules that retain the MDS

All Minddistrict modules are flexible, meaning that therapists can edit the sessions within a module to tailor them to the care that your service provides.

These modules have recently been updated with an improved integration of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) which is easier to use for both the client and therapist.

Could these modules help your clients?

Does your service work with patients with psychological complaints stemming from living with a long term condition? If you'd like to hear more about these modules or think your service and the people you work with could benefit from them, please get in touch with any questions.