Did you also have such a successful spring conference season? This year, we've already attended four congresses in The Netherlands and Germany. The fall looks promising too! You will definitely find us at Mobile Healthcare and The Tech & Innovations in Mental Health Care conference. In this blog, we will keep you updated on discount codes, presentations, and more. Will we see you again in the fall?
Mark your calendar:
Mobile Healthcare, November 6
In November, the Mobile Healthcare Congress will take place for the 13th time. Just like last year, we will be there again. The program is still in development, but it is certain that there will be contributions on chain collaboration and data exchange, on job satisfaction and workload among professionals, and on the opportunities (and challenges) of AI.
Learn more about Mobile Healthcare
Tech & Innovation in Mental Healthcare, 21 november
At the end of November, we will be attending the Tech & Innovations in Mental Health Care conference. The conference addresses the rapid changes in mental health care and focuses on joint progress at both the national and regional levels in the coming years.
Learn more about the conference
Reflecting on the first part of the conference season
Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress, 11-15 June
We attended the third Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress in Berlin, where experts from the field presented innovative developments and current research findings in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Dr. Stella Fangauf, Lead Intervention Developer at Minddistrict, and Theresa Hauschild, Psychological Psychotherapist and Head Psychologist for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Asklepios Fachklinikum Brandenburg, addressed the question how digital interventions can support clinical care and presented practical examples.
Data Driven Healthcare, 13 June
Data Driven Healthcare was the perfect conference to refresh your knowledge on healthcare and data. Data and AI are increasingly important in healthcare, playing a role in digital healthcare and data integrations.
It was an inspiring day about value based healthcare and what data points to value.
Our Dutch Minddistrict team was not only present with a booth, we also gave a talk:
From Vision to Action: The Practical Side of Value-Driven Healthcare
Albertje Breitsma and Kars Koele, implementation guru and brand strategist at Minddistrict respectively, discussed value based care in their presentation. Focusing mainly on the practical side:
- How do you give shape and substance to value based care? They shared insights on how to determine and measure value.
- We demonstrated which tools you can use and which pitfalls we know of that you can now avoid.
- The audience left with advice on how to continuously connect and sustain practice and vision within their organization.
ICT&Health World Conference, 14-16 May
From Tuesday 14 May to Thursday 16 May, the ICT&Health World Conference took place. This was the place to attend presentations on the latest technologies and applications in healthcare. And, of course, it was the place to meet healthcare professionals, researchers, administrators, and IT experts from the Netherlands, as well as from the rest of Europe (and beyond).
Presentation: a European triology
Manuele Schuetze, business director in Germany, and Daniëlle Revers, director in the Netherlands, brought all their lessons learned together in their presentation: ‘A European Trilogy: the fellowship of digital mental healthcare’.
The triology we're mentioning is Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands: the three countries where Minddistrict is currently in full use. The triology might border each other yet they are very different in terms of healthcare system, funding and culture. Or are they?
Daniëlle and Manu took you through the comparison: what are driving and limiting bills in the countries? How do they differ from each other? What lessons from the different countries can we take back across the border? Because the advantage of a triology, and of different experiences, is that you can share them with others. In fellowship, so to speak.
Want to know more about this? Feel free to contact Daniëlle or Manuele.
Kongress für Gesundheitsnetzwerker, 14-15 May
May was a popular month, because we also attended the Kongress für Gesundheitsnetzwerker in Berlin. Come and say hello at our stand! This is also a great opportunity to meet our new colleague for business development Joachim Kühl in person. We're happy to show you what we're working on or have you try out the latest feature. But of course, we're also hosting a speaking slot.
Dr. Manuela Schuetze, business director at Minddistrict DACH, interviewed 2 of our partner-clinics who are using the ehealthplatform. The title of this session was 'Best-practice Beispeile einer digital unterstützten Versorgung in Deutschland'. Dr. Julia Mühleck, psychologist at the Asklepios Fachklinikum in Stadtroda joined and shared her first-hand treatment experiences. Dr. Jessical Helen Huss, who is project leader ehealth at the Asklepios Fachklinikum Teupitz, shared her experiences with implementing a hybrid treatment solution from an organisational perspective.
Missed the session? Get in touch to hear the highlights directly from the horse's mouth.
The season isn't over yet!
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