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Online module for people with mild to moderate depression

With this module, care providers can digitally support their patients who have been diagnosed with depression or who are experiencing depressive symptoms.

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In short

  • Adults
  • Module

What is the module about?

This is a cognitive behavioural therapy-based module for adults with depression. The goal of the module is for patients to practice with managing their depression better.

The client can learn to acknowledge and challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. In addition, they can learn to practice replacing unhelpful thoughts and behaviour with more helpful and healthy ones in order to contribute to lifting their mood. Find out more about how online solutions can help behavioural change.

All 6 sessions (as well as the ‘Welcome’ session) include psycho-education and a doodle clip in which psycho-education is explained in a more elaborate manner. This information is then applied through exercises completed by the client. Optional sessions are available if the client requires additional support. This helps you to deliver a more personalised and seamless treatment programme to your client.

Who is this module suitable for?

This module is suitable for adults (18+ years) who experience mild to moderate depression.

What are the sessions within the module?

  • Welcome
  • What’s been going on?
  • How active are you?
  • How helpful are your thoughts
  • Challenge your negative thoughts
  • Let’s build on the positives!
  • Focus on the future

Optional/additional seamless sessions:

  • Time to get active!
  • Release the tension
  • A good night’s sleep

Which diaries work well with this module?

The module can be combined with any generic diary in Minddistrict catalogue, or with a particular diary that fits the goal of the client, for example the Emotion diary.

One of the animations developed to help people cope with their depression.

How has this module been developed?

The module has been developed in close co-operation with an expert panel of therapists and patients. The Minddistrict team familiarises itself with cutting-edge research and the most recent evidence-based practices. Relevant literature is taken into account during the development. If you would like to know more about this module, please contact the clinical lead responsible for ehealth within your organisation or practice, or get in touch with us if your organisation isn't already using the Minddistrict platform.

Get in touch with us!

Are you interested in using this intervention in your work as a care provider? Or do you want more information? Please get in touch with your account manager or contact us.