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Digital treatment and research

Ehealth in hospitals

Minddistrict offers digital applications for treatment, coaching and research at hospital units.

Hospital care covers many disciplines, often focusing on a single part of the human body. A lot of people suffer from multiple complaints - physical or mental - that influence each other. Mental support often lacks substance, whereas it can contribute positively to our health. For example: some people need a change of lifestyle before a treatment can be given; other benefit from these changes to ensure the effects of treatment sustain. Another example is learning to deal with a (chronic) somatic disorder.

Two colleagues having a discussion at work

Why ehealth?

Ehealth with Minddistrict makes it possible to offer patients this support on their road to recovery and to improve the quality of care at the same time. The ehealth platform provides practical assistance, tailored to the complaints, wishes and situation of your patient. For example, through assisted self-help, consisting of videos, exercises and examples; or by means of a conference call. It facilitates more frequent and shorter contact and it reduces the travel time for patients. Thanks to this personal approach, ehealth helps people to change their lifestyle, to accept the situation and to familiarise themselves with the upcoming procedure.

APIs make it possible to exchange data with other systems and smart measuring tools. Minddistrict also facilitates research. The Content Management System (CMS) allows you to develop your own modules and interventions. Research data can simply be exported from the platform. Various universities and innovation centres have conducted research with the Minddistrict platform.

More information?

Questions on how our solution could help your organisation?
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Need help with a business case?

If you believe that your services would benefit from ehealth, but need to convince your organisation, we can help you draw up a solid business case.
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Someone using the Minddistrict platform on a mobile phone
We translated interventions from CBT to our mobile app
An example of a personal route in the Minddistrict platform
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