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Set achievable goals using action plans

An important part of realising behavioural change is setting goals and planning specific actions towards them in an action plan. This process gives people focus and motivation. Keeping track of the progress on a goal gives an opportunity to adapt and change course. Taking steps and eventually reaching a goal boosts self-esteem and gives energy. With action plans, clients can set a personal goal and evaluate regularly, using the Minddistrict app.

Illustration of the creation of a plan

How to use action plans in Minddistrict

For clients, plans work in unison with our mobile modules. These guide them in formulating an achievable goal, along with a date by which they want to achieve it. The app pushes evaluation moments, making it possible to review or edit the goal. Once a goal is reached, of course this is celebrated!

A therapist can view all open and reached goals, with the accompanying evaluations, keeping track of progress.

Screenshot of setting a goal in a plan
Plans help people to set an achievable goal
Screenshot of achieving a goal in a plan
With a plan, reaching a goal becomes easier