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Achieving behavioural change with the help of modules

Ehealth makes it possible to bring healthcare closer to the people; the information and assignments in the substantive modules encourage people to actively start changing their behaviour and to achieve their goals. No wonder then, that modules from all ehealth elements are the most popular among care providers. The modules can be used in-between face to face sessions or replace some of the treatment or coaching.

Module illustration

Structure and points of reference

The composition of the modules helps care providers to structure the healthcare or coaching process. At the same time, clients gain more control, enabling them to get a clearer picture of their road to recovery. Psycho-education, examples and exercises offer clients points of reference they can use at home. The multimedia in the modules ensures they are in line with the experiences of the clients. Modules can also be optimised for use in the mobile app.

videos and multimedia in minddistrict ehealth modules
Modules often include videos from experiential experts who share their stories. This way, clients feel they are not alone.
picture of a milestone in a personal route
Modules include BCTs (behavioural change techniques) such as milestones, which encourage you to keep going.